
The INSA Group is organizing a webinar on July 12, 2021 from 9 to 11 am to officially launch the SMART-ER program, which aims to develop the research and participatory science dimensions of ECIU University*.

  • What can ECIU University do for your research?
  • How can you increase your networks and expand your research communities?
  • How can you develop a truly interdisciplinary scientific approach to better tackle global challenges?
  • How can you make the most of working in a multicultural environment?
  • How can citizen science be included in your research activities for broader societal impact? 

These are questions which ECIU University and the SMART-ER project can help us answer: ECIU University and SMART-ER offer a wide range of opportunities for collaborations between universities, businesses, public institutions, and society at large: the ECIU challenge-based approach aims to design fast and flexible solutions to tackle the complex global challenges society faces.

At ECIU University, researchers aim to work together so as to develop innovative and bold answers to those challenges.

We are therefore convinced that belonging to ECIU University and engaging in the SMART-ER programme will act as an Archimedean lever for the INSA Group.

The webinar will be held in English.

Registration here.

Groupe INSA

The organizing team

  • Sébastien Leveneur – INSA Rouen-Normandie, SMART-ER coordinator
  • Laure Fabre – INSA Toulouse, ECIU Research & Innovation Group
  • Marie-Agnès Détourbe – INSA Toulouse, ECIU University Local Ambassador

more information on eciu university

The ECIU consortium of innovative European universities, of which Groupe INSA is a member, launched its European university, ECIU University, on November 7, 2019. INSA Strasbourg, through the INSA group, is a member of ECIU.

The ECIU University is an EU-funded European University that will create a completely new educational model on a European scale. The ECIU University gathers together learners, teachers, and researchers to cooperate with cities and businesses and solve real-life challenges.

Based on the UN SDGs

The first three year phase of the ECIU University focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 « Sustainable cities and communities”.

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